Below are the presentations from the DLM Forum Members Meeting which took place in Lisbon, Portugal, November 22nd and 23rd, 2007;
- DLM Forum Update - Atle Skjekkeland, AIIM International
- MoReq2 Status Report - Marc Fresko, Serco Consulting
- MoReq2: The Role of Chapter 0 - Malcolm Todd, DLM Forum MoReq2 Review Group
- Building Trust in Digital Repositories:Using the DRAMBORA Toolkit - Raivo Ruusalepp, DPE/Estonian Business Archives
- The RODA Project - Repository of Authentic Digital Objects - Jose Carlos Ramalho, RODA/University of Minho
- Developing Interoperable Solutions for Electronic Record Management Systems - Richard Blake, and Ramona Black, National Archives of the UK
- Records Management and Archival for the Future - Peter Horsman, Dutch Archives School