The DLM Forum Members Meeting took place in Vienna 2006, and kindly hosted by The National Archives of Austria. The agenda and presentations are as follows;
- DLM Forum Update - Atle Skjekkeland, AIIM Europe
- Top 10 factors for successfully implementing ERM - Gary Pitchford, Mono Training and Consultancy
- Bridging Knowledge Gap - John Seeley, Cornwell Management Consultants plc
- Panel Debate - Implementation and Training
- MoReq2 Working Group
- Digital Preservation Working Group
- Education and Training Working Group
- France's Approach to Data Exchange - Olivier De Solan, French Archives Directorate
- Link Between Workflow/Case Management and ERM - Richard Jeffrey-Cook, In-Form Consult Ltd
- The Value of EDRM Integration to Business Applications - Martin Brown, SAP
- Results of Study of OAIS (Open Archival Information System Standard) Versus Digital Archives in Practice - Raivo Ruusalepp, Estonian Business Archives
- The EU e-Signatures Directive and Authenticity - Hannelore Dekeyser, Interdisciplinary Centre for Law and ICT (ICRI), Belgium